WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

October 31 is finally here - it's Halloween, Baby! He is the favorite day of everyone pretending to be someone else. Over the past months, you have pinned on a thousand potential Halloween costumes, you have to be obsessed with that almost to the point of indecision, you have managed to assemble a costume last minute, and tonight begins the masked masquerade . (If you're seriously so far behind that you do not have a costume, get over it.) But no matter how much thought you put into your outfit, you probably think your decision costume is very little consequence . Not true! What you dressed as for Halloween is very revealing - blackberry says about your personality, dearest wishes, and motivations.

Fortunately for you, I have my PhD in Costume decoding college online too much free time, so I'll give you details on what everyone sees when they look at your costume. I certainly want a much higher level of identification, so believe me - I knowexactly what I mean. Whether you're dressed like a character from Frozen, your favorite emoji or Ebola sexy nurse, I know what makes you tick. Happy Halloween, witches and kittens! Here's my diabolical gift from me to you ...


WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

You desperately want, you can stop time. How would it be if you still live at home, your check your candy for razor dad, mom and tuck you in your bed convertible Barbie? But no, instead you have concerns real treat adults resonates in your head: I hate my job! Why does not anyone trust me with a credit card? I have not had a vegetable in three years! So let it go, let gooo-o, and enjoy your fancy night and give up. And please, please be sure to have adult fun in this dress, just to show you one of the reasons why you're not rocking a child more

2. Renaissance Woman

WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

He had at least two months after the local Ye Olde Ren Make packed for the summer, and you're fiending for an Elizabethan right fix. Every morning you wake up with the shakes before you put on your peasant skirt and denim jacket and fight their way out of work. But today is your day! You can be kind of funny young girl you want! It is also the best day to ask your crush Gill if he wants to join your weekly D & D game - once he sees you in this corset completely authentic, the answer is probably yes.

3. CAT

WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Are you capable of forming thoughts and unique opinions? Because this suit almost pathological reports the most basic form of base, base. It's like, you even try? Well, at least you look cute - they can put that on your tombstone ... right next to the quote from Marilyn Monroe


WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

Wonder Woman can not do anything - and you look good, girl! You're not afraid to flaunt your strength, and yes, you're a bit of a perfectionist. You are all the details, and you have worked all month to make sure the costume is the best. Superman has nothing on you.

5. emoji

WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

Please, for the love of the future civilization, get online and be present IRL for once in your life addicted to technology. You're already dressed as a accoutrement Internet, then maybe you should send emoji you wear your contacts, as I know you will. Look around you. Make eye contact. Real life is the bomb - and hey, maybe you meet someone you do not have to slide right ... just like in the old days!


WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

If you go as a witch for Halloween, it is possible that you as a witch unofficial 364 other days of the year, and I'm talking about your body is composed of 99.9 percent resting bitch face. You can relate to all the Real Housewives. You live to work your magic. You can make anything happen. You're also a bit oddly superstitious.

7. Ebola hazardous materials SEXY SUIT

WHAT YOUR Halloween costume says about you, you are ELSA, Wonder Woman, OR emoji

Congratulations, you win both the price of the worst person (Choice Award from the anti-popular), and the prize for the worst judgment of the world. You have been taken in the headlines over the past two months, and amidst all the death, destruction and ruined lives, you thought, Yes, I want to be this popular tragedy for Halloween! It would be so cool !! Now, my friend, is a personality flaw.

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